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A Samsung és a Google szinte ugyanabban a pillanatban jelentette be, hogy rendszeresítik a frissítéseket.

Nexus vonal

Nexus devices have always been among the first Android devices to receive platform and security updates. From this week on, Nexus devices will receive regular OTA updates each month focused on security, in addition to the usual platform updates. The first security update of this kind began rolling out today, Wednesday August 5th, to Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7, Nexus 9, Nexus 10, and Nexus Player. This security update contains fixes for issues in bulletins provided to partners through July 2015, including fixes for the libStageFright issues. At the same time, the fixes will be released to the public via the Android Open Source Project. Nexus devices will continue to receive major updates for at least two years and security patches for the longer of three years from initial availability or 18 months from last sale of the device via the Google Store.

A jó hír, hogy a Nexus 4 is benne van még a folyamatos havi OTA biztonsági frissítéseket kapó telefonok listájában. A Nexus 7 esetén nem tudom, hogy a 2012 modell is bekerült-e. És minden Nexus eszköz két éven át kapja a a frissítéseket a megjelenés után vagy 18 hónapra az utolsó Google Store értékesítések után.

Forrás: Official Android Blog

Samsung eszközök

With the recent security issues, we have been rethinking the approach to getting security updates to our devices in a more timely manner. Since software is constantly exploited in new ways, developing a fast response process to deliver security patches to our devices is critical to keep them protected. We believe that this new process will vastly improve the security of our devices and will aim to provide the best mobile experience possible for our users. Dong Jin Koh, Executive Vice President and Head of Mobile Research and Development Office, IT & Mobile Communications at Samsung Electronics

A Samsung is rálép a havi biztonsági frissítéses vonatra. Kérdés, hogy ez csak az S és a Note szériát vagy a többi eszközt is érinti.

Forrás: Samsung Tomorrow

Reméljük a többi gyártó bejelentései is követik a Google és a Samsung döntését.


Úgy tűnik Dél Korea számára fontos a biztonság. Így az LG is bejelentette. Egyelőre csak egy e-mail formájában a Wired kapott tájékoztatást. Várjuk a hivatalos megerősítést. Megkerestük a magyar LG-t az ügyben.

LG will be providing security updates on a monthly basis which carriers will then be able to make available to customers immediately. We believe these important steps will demonstrate to LG customers that security is our highest priority

Frissítés #2

Itt pedig az LG hivatalos álláspontja:

LG is committed to bringing its customers the utmost in device security. Toward that goal, we are now starting to roll out updates for in-market LG devices potentially vulnerable to Stagefright. As an additional step, LG will be providing security updates on a monthly basis which carriers will then be able to make available to customers immediately. We believe these important steps will demonstrate to LG customers that security is our highest priority.


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