(x) hirdetés

Most talaltam ezt a játékot és nagyon megtetszett a screenshotok alapján. Nem is láttam még grafikailag ilyen szintü játékot az android marketen…
Mondjuk kétes h a pulse-omon elfog futi ez a game, de mindenesetre leszedem, kiprobálom. Mondjuk igy 45 mb körül lehet h már a telepitésnél elakad:D Akinek viszont komolyabb teloja van, töltse le sztem elég igéretesnek tünik a leírás  és a képek alapján.


Move to the West Coast and immerse yourself in
L.A. gang life with Gangstar. Explore more realistic environments than
ever for a unique gameplay experience. Complete 50 different missions
that combine the best of action games and driving games.

– A unique feeling of freedom: Drive for miles and
miles in massive, open-ended environments. Feel free to complete
missions at your own pace, or just do absolutely anything you want!
– The first Palm Pre game that displays such a high level of graphics: a
full-3D reconstruction of an entire city with detailed buildings,
beautiful landscapes and impressive cars that animate and take crash
– Explore the city, shoot and fight, steal vehicles, kill your enemies,
and drive or walk anywhere. Go from rags to riches by connecting with
relatives and helping out their gang. But beware of the police!
– Intuitive gameplay: Drive a variety of vehicles easily thanks to touch
controls, and aim at a target simply by touching it on the screen.
Shooting sequences are even more enjoyable thanks to the auto-aiming

Requirements Firmware 2.1





(x) hirdetés

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